Mindware Consulting, Inc 应用

Word Games Pro
This is the unlimited, ad-free, version of Word Games. Word Gamesis a great collection of games based, in part, on principles ofcognitive psychology to help you practice verbal skills. This appcontains all 9 of Mindware's word games to help you build yourvocabulary, trivia knowledge, and verbal memory. These great gamesare also included in the top brain training app on the Androidplatform (Mind Games). Word Games is a great way to try to helpreduce the effects of aging on your brain, or to try to improveyour skills at any age.Description of Games:Abstraction - Exercise your ability to quickly differentiatebetween words with a concrete vs. abstract meaning.Word Flow - Exercise your verbal memory for words.Similarities Scramble - Test and improve your knowledge of wordrelationships.Speed Trivia - Test and improve your knowledge of general triviaand information.Verbal Concepts - Practice your ability to categorize words andconceptual thinking skills.Vocabulary Star - Improve your vocabulary and spellingskills.Vocabulary Power - An un-timed multiple choice vocabularytask.Word Memory - Memorize 30 words and see if you can rememberthem.Word Prefixes - Practice and improve your knowledge of wordprefixes.
Quick Volume Widget Free 2.2.1
The Quick Volume Widget Free eliminates theneed to go through menus when you want to change sound levels onyour phone. With the widget running, just simply press the widgetto quickly change volume states. Now with version 2+, you canquickly access all the volume quick settings from the notificationarea. This is very useful when you are running another app and wantto change the sound levels without leaving the app. You can alsotoggle Wifi and Bluetooth states from within the app.** Long press on home screen to install. **Please email support with any problems and they will be promptlyaddressed. We do support this app and will respond quickly ifcontacted (1/26/12).*** Note: In order for the Phone Only mode to work properly,your phone must be set to NOT use incoming call volume fornotifications. Go to Settings, Sound and uncheck the box. Android4.0+ Ice Cream Sandwich does not support separate volume levels fornotifications and ringtone. Phone only mode does not work onICS.***Featured States:Normal - You run the app to set your normal volume levels.Phone only - Great for sleeping. Only the ringer is enabled. (doesnot alter alarm volume)Vibrate - All sound is disabled. Phone will vibrate for phonecalls.Silent - No sounds or vibrations.Quiet - 10% on all volume settings.Medium - 50% on all volume settings.Loud - 90% on all volume settings.Get the Pro version to add the following features:*Change colors/appearance.*Two additional custom volume modes.*Choose the volume modes that you want to appear in thewidget.*Easy access to mode settings.*Notification icons allow for more easy identification of currentmode.*No upgrade nag on the quick settings accessed through thenotification area.
Vocabulary Star 1.7
Vocabulary Star is a unique and fun word scramble game. Want toimprove your vocabulary in an enjoyable way? With enough practice,this game will help you do that. With a database of nearly 5000words at the high school to college reading level, you can improveyour word knowledge.Each trial will display the definition of a word. Below thedefinition is 4 buttons that has parts of the word in a scrambledorder. Your job is to tap the buttons in the correct order to spellout the word that fits the definition. You can obtain 2 points oneach trial. One point for getting the word correct, and a bonuspoint for getting it correct without any errors.Track and graph your score history and compete against others onan online global scoreboard.Vocabulary Star is also a great way to prepare for collegeentrance examines such as the SAT.
Minesweeper Classic+
Based on the classic Minesweeper brain game.The goal is to successfully mark all the mines without revealing orstepping on a mine. You must deduce the locations of mines based onthe numbers that are revealed when a tile is uncovered.Features:Eight different skins or themes for appearance.Long press to reveal what is under a tilePress a square to mark it as a mine; press again to unmarkMinefield scrolls up and down by flickingThree levels are available: beginner, intermediate, andadvancedTop scores for each level are stored on phone and the option ofsubmitting scores to global score listCapable of installing to SD card
Dots: A Brain Training Game 1.0.2
Dots is a unique memory game providing a funand challenging way to practice your visual memory for paths andsequences. A number of dots will appear, and a pathway will bedrawn between the dots. Remember the path, and draw it with yourfinger from memory. Dots was developed by the makers of Mind Games,the hit brain training app.Dots features a global top scoreboard, social scoreboard, socialfeatures, and 20 exciting levels.
Quick Volume Widget Pro 2.1.0
The Quick Volume Widget eliminates the need togo through menus when you want to change sound levels of yourphone. With the widget running, just simply press the widget toquickly change volume states. Now with version 2+, you can quicklyaccess all the volume quick settings from the notification area.This is very useful when you are running another app and want tochange the sound levels without leaving the app. You can alsotoggle Wifi and Bluetooth states from within the app.* Don't forget to uninstall the free version first if upgrading.*** Long press on home screen to install. ***** Note: In order for the Phone Only mode to work properly,your phone must be set to NOT use incoming call volume fornotifications. Go to Settings, Sound and uncheck the box. Android4.0+ Ice Cream Sandwich does not support separate volume levels fornotifications and ringtone. Phone only mode does not work onICS.***Featured States:Normal - You run the app to set your normal volume levels.Phone only - Great for sleeping. Only the ringer is enabled. (doesnot alter alarm volume)Vibrate - All sound is disabled. Phone will vibrate for phonecalls.Silent - No sounds or vibrations.Quiet - 10% on all volume settings.Medium - 50% on all volume settings.Loud - 90% on all volume settings.Pro Version Additional Features:*Ability to change appearance/colors.*Two user-definable custom volume levels.*Select the volume modes you want to appear in the widget.Try the free version first to see if you like it and it worksfor you.
FishNet Fishing Journal 1.4.4
As a first of its kind, FishNet FishingJournal offers widget-based access for quickly logging catches.This app places a priority on quickly logging catches so you canspend more time fishing!** Long press on home screen to install widget **FishNet Fishing Journal has several innovative features:Home Screen WidgetTwo widget sizes are available (4x3 and 1x1).Fish CountsThe widget displays a count of your total number of fish logged.The count updates based on the filter you have applied.Filtering SystemInnovative filtering system allows you to filter fish based onmany different factors (Fish type, place caught, technique used,and date parameters).Defining Fishing PlacesPlaces allow you to set up places that you fish. The zoom levelthat you set works with the filter so that when you filter by aplace (such as Patoka Lake for instance), that it will include onlyfish that have a GPS location within that recorded view. This isincredibly useful for displaying how many fish you have caught at aparticular place and displaying this information on a map. Settingup places also allows you to quickly access weather for the fishingplace.Innovative MappingMap clustering through the mapping feature clusters catchestogether in a single marker when catches are near each other. Itwill put a count of the catches on the cluster marker. Simply clickon the cluster to zoom in and see exactly where the fish were.My Live WellThe Live Well displays detailed information on your catches. Ifunfiltered, it will show all your catches. If filtered (byLargemouth Bass for instance), it will display only the fish thatmeet the filter criteria. The Live Well allows you to perform manyfunctions.Photo AlbumThe Photo Album is also innovative in that it categorizes fishby fish type and only includes fish based on your filter. So, ifyou want to look at pictures of Largemouth Bass that you caught atPatoka Lake in the last 3 days, simply apply this filter and openthe photo album! If unfiltered, you can get a quick count of allthe different types of fish you have caught by simply opening thephoto album.WeatherYou can quickly access current weather conditions and forecaststhrough the National Weather Service through the widget.Additionally, you can quickly choose any of your fishing places toget the weather at that location.
My Fishing Journal Unlocker 1.0.0
This is the official unlocker app for the MyFishing Journal Widget app. This app will remove the limitation ofadding only 8 fish to the journal.The unlocked version allows you to add a virtually unlimitednumber of fish.Your data will be preserved. Simply purchase and download theunlocker. Then run the unlocker and click on the Lock to unlock thewidget.Download and install the widget first, to give it a try. If youlike it, purchase the unlocker and enjoy!Get the trial version here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mindware.fishwidgetbeta
Stress Reduction Audio 1.3.2
Relaxation and stress relief.
FoodBrain 1.0.7
Based in part on innovative new experimental techniques, food brainworks to train your brain to prefer healthy eating choices byplaying brain training games. It is a marriage of brain trainingand learning techniques to help train your automatic and consciousbrain to prefer healthier food choices. We utilize techniques suchas impulse control tasks, cognitive bias modification,attention-bias modification, conditioning, self-monitoring, androte learning in the form of brain challenging games. Someresearchers have published studies reporting that people have lostweight using just one of these techniques. We have utilized a largevariety of techniques in this app. No scientific research has yetbeen conducted with our particular implementation, but you canmonitor your weight and food cravings to decide for yourselfwhether it works for you. If nothing else, you can have fun playingthe games and challenging your brain. We hope to conduct researchand become leaders in a new approach to behavior change that isboth enjoyable and helpful. Give it a try and let us know what youthink! Note: The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluatedthis app. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or preventany disease.
IQ Games Pro 1.0.4
English only. Discover your game IQ score with the best games fromMind Games.
Minesweeper Pro 1.3.0
Give your brain a challenge by playing the classic brain game.
Minesweeper 1.2.1
Give your brain a challenge by playing the classic Minesweepergame.
Shuffle 'n Slide Pro 1.0.1
Play the classic slide puzzle game for an enjoyable diversion.
Sleep Log - Night Owl 1.0.5
Night Owl: Sleep Log allows you to track your sleep and sharedatawith your therapist. This app is intended to be used inconcertwith face-to-face psychotherapy. You can log important sleepdataneeded for treatment of insomnia. The app allows you to sendyoursleep data to your treatment provider.
Mind Games 3.4.8
Exercise Your Brain! A great collection of mind and brain traininggames.
Word Games 1.3.0
A great collection of brain games for practicing your word skillsand knowledge.
Mind Games Pro 3.4.5
The unlimited version of Mindware's great collection of braintraining games.
Puzzle My Mind 1.2.0
A fun and challenging mind game to practice your visual analysisskills.
Stress Reduction-Audio-Full 1.3.3
Relaxation and stress reduction tips.
Shuffle 'n Slide Brain Game 1.5.1
A great way to pass the time while practicing your visual analysisskills.
Night Owl - Sleep Coach 1.2.1
Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in the palm of your hand.
IQ Games 1.0.6
English only. Discover your game IQ score with the best games fromMind Games.
FoodBrain Pro
Brain Training Games to help you eat healthier and possibly loseweight!
Puzzle My Mind Pro 1.0.0
A fun and challenging mind game to practice your visual analysisskills.